Invitation to a Workshop

Invitation to a Workshop

About a year ago I launched Broter School of Design. A small but very enthusiastic group of students will shortly finish their “first year in school” and yesterday we had our live “Monthly Graphic Class” for February, only the March one is left.  The Monthly Live Classes are held on zoom and are an addition to the course “Graphic Design 101”. This course consists of 30 video lessons with...

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I fell in vectorlove

I fell in vectorlove

I fell in vectorlove Why would you use vector illustrations? And what the heck is a vector, anyway?  There are two ways of making art on a computer; with pixels and with vectors: Pixel-based artwork is built from tiny square points called pixels. If a pixel artwork is scaled over its limit, the motif of the artwork will have ragged edges; we say that the image looks “pixelated”.  Vectors are a...

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So you won’t have to hire a graphic designer.

So you won’t have to hire a graphic designer.

So you won’t have to hire a graphic designer. Have you ever been in a coaching program for entrepreneurs? I have. Some are very expensive and last for months and years, while some are more reasonable and shorter.All of them follow nearly the same curriculum. We learn how to define and attract our potential ideal clients and communicate with them to create love and trust, so the next time they...

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3 tips for rejuvenating your brand

3 tips for rejuvenating your brand

Happy New Year! It is that time of the year again. With new years resolutions and renewals. Regarding the personal side of these things, most of us are very conscious. We care about our health and how we look. But what about your business? Will it stand a closer look in the mirror? Here are 3 tips for businesses of all sizes who want to look at themselves in the mirror with more self-confidence....

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where I reveal
the design process
top business owners
are using to get a logo
you truly love &
can be proud of!

Coffee Date


Want to meet and have a talk about how the BRAND BOXES system can serve your business? I would love to speak to you about your design-challenges!

You can book a call here.
