I had an epiphany!

I had an epiphany!

I had an epiphany! Occasionally, we get epiphanies that are so distinct that they manage to trace a new path in our brains. I mean like after you’ve had this aha moment, you will never do the same thing in the same manner ever again – if it can be in any way...
Graphic Design is like a microphone

Graphic Design is like a microphone

Graphic Design is like a microphone These days one can almost be a bit embarrassed to share something on Social Media that is NOT about Ukraina. People paste the Ukrainian flag on the profile images and statements of support, and seriously heavy memes about war hover...
Invitation to a Workshop

Invitation to a Workshop

Invitation to a Workshop About a year ago I launched Broter School of Design. A small but very enthusiastic group of students will shortly finish their “first year in school” and yesterday we had our live “Monthly Graphic Class” for February, only the March one is...
New Challenges

New Challenges

We are surrounded by unusual times, but this will not be another epistle that drowns itself in the negativity of our situation but looks to the positive sides of it. They are there. If you look around on social media, you are likely to detect a remarkable trend. It’s...
Two days of video

Two days of video

Last week I stood upright for two entire days in the studio of VIDEOCATION.NO and recorded 30 videos on the fly. If you’d asked me three months ago if I thought I would ever do such a thing, my answer would have been: “Not for a long while”. Please observe that my...