A P short of perfect
In the latest issue of the Norwegian version of Signs of Design, I made a big error. For some reason, a word in the very title of the letter had been misspelled. It came out with a P short of perfect. I should have detected this in the correction loop, but did not. Consequently, the letter went out with an error in the title, in my own language, which was embarrassing. Ouch! The incident did...

Have you experienced this lately?
You have had a good meeting with a new contact, maybe a future client and the two of you agree on staying in touch. When you ask “do you have a card?”, the person starts a frantic search through pockets and bags, just to “discover” that there are no more cards, anywhere. Maybe there haven’t been any for months. Covid effectively put a stop to in-person meetings and networking, and we did not...

Is your brand invisible?
Branding is tremendously hot these days. Everybody is talking brand: Brand messaging, personal branding, re-branding, brand values, and everything-you-can-think-of-branding. Brand messaging coaches and experts speak loudly and lengthy about the importance of having an authentic brand. Often accompanied by trashy looking Powerpoint-slides… Everybody speaks about branding, but very few ask how it...

A process tailored for you
I bet you have heard the expression “Curse of knowledge.” That is when we think that what we know is common knowledge, so we fail to make ourselves clearly understood. Sometimes it is good to take a step back and try to look at your knowledge from a distance. Then do the exercise of putting what you know into words that has meaning to those you are trying to help. I will make an attempt: I work...

Broccoli between your teeth.
Recently, I heard a most recognizable description of the fact that we are not fully able to see ourselves through the eyes of others. It is so easy to get convincingly caught in thoughts and viewpoints about “how we are.” Then, when presenting others with these thoughts, they may have a totally different view and may say something that makes us see ourselves in a different light. It is like when...

When babies leave home…
If any parents are reading this, I am sure you can recognize the feeling of powerlessness that wells up the first time we send a child alone to school, to the first summer job, to studies abroad, or to the military. As soon as our baby is out there on their own, there is little we can do for them. They have to trust their own wings and what values we might have managed to give them as baggage. I...

Size matters
I don’t know about you, but I consume social media content mainly on my mobile. A quick check on the internet confirms that I am not the only one. Even if mobile phones have grown in size over the years, they are still undoubtedly much smaller than a desktop screens. This, however, seems to have escaped the attention of many content producers on social media. I scroll past any post with an image...

Too many chefs spoil the broth.
We have the same idiom in Norwegian, but the English version is more accurate. I discovered this when I checked the internet for the accurate meaning of “spoil.” It means to diminish or destroy the value or quality of something, as you know, of course. Imagine that a business or an organization has spent money (or their time, which is the same) on developing a visual branding for itself. This...

I have written and spoken about the importance of ONE-BIT logos more times than I can remember. You probably don’t either, so let’s venture on a small repetition: What is a ONE-BIT logo? It is a logo that, if necessary, can be rendered in one color only, without losing its meaning. Practically speaking, this means that the parts of the logo have to be separated by white, or space, or...

Graphic Design is like a microphone
These days one can almost be a bit embarrassed to share something on Social Media that is NOT about Ukraina. People paste the Ukrainian flag on the profile images and statements of support, and seriously heavy memes about war hover over media like a black fog. It is very easy to understand that when people feel powerless and cannot really do anything, they do what they can, even if it doesn’t...