A P short of perfect

In the latest issue of the Norwegian version of Signs of Design, I made a big error. For some reason, a word in the very title of the letter had been misspelled. It came out with a P short of perfect. I should have detected this in the correction loop, but did not. Consequently, the letter went out with an error in the title, in my own language, which was embarrassing. Ouch!
The incident did not go unrecognized. A long-time reader called me immediately and pointed my attention to it. Now, there isn’t much you can do about an error in a newsletter that has already been sent. I couldn’t do anything but promise to do a better job of checking my spelling in the future. The reader was also very upset by not finding my telephone number in the letter. He had read it on his phone and wanted a telephone link that would allow him to call me instantly when he wanted to convey his error message. So I was made aware of yet another shortcoming in my e-mail, at the same time.
Why am I writing about this? Because this experience of mine illustrates a risk taken when we want to spread our messages. My passion and mission is to create awareness about the importance of visual presentation in all kinds of communication. I want businesses to look AS GOOD as their owners know that they are. This is why I go on writing in length about this, in newsletters, blog posts, social media posts, and everywhere else I might get a word in. I am trying to make my message as spotless and perfect as I can, but errors will inevitably occur. Like now. Should it stop me?
The fear of putting something out there that is less than perfect is called Perfection Paralysis. It stops many people from issuing things like newsletters, websites, social media posts, courses and programs they want to create, or books they have had in their heads for a long time. What if it is not perfect? Better wait. I am sure you can recognize this phenomenon?
Perfection Paralysis is very effective and creates a down-going spiral of interdependent non-decisions which bites its own tail. I observe that this is also the case with matters related to visual branding. Many think that some time in the future, when they are totally clear on their vision, their ideal client, their mission, and offers, have finished their course, and formulated a crystal clear strategy for their marketing, THEN they will hire a professional designer and make all this look professional and awesome! In the meantime, they will struggle with what they can achieve in Canva, Word, or Powerpoint, – with the homemade logo. I see people’s eyes go dim as they dream about the day when they will be able to invest in a full visual branding process from A to Z.
GOOD NEWS: It does not have to be this way. You can decide to break the circle and just start anywhere. NOW.
I have recently been helping people make better e-books and lead magnets, make small visual adjustments to their websites, make templates for social media, or redesign a logo that was no longer working in the digital age. The owners feel relieved by the things that are getting fixed, and it stops the down-going circle and gives inspiration and energy.
If you want to ignore the perfection paralysis and take some needed action now, I can help.
You can book a free call here: