On this day two years ago I brought home a cocker spaniel puppy from Stockholm. Her name was decided on long time in advance; she was to be called Brandy. Some people were shaking their heads resignedly, asking: “Are you so fanatically occupied with branding that you have to name your dog after it?” Yes.
“Wouldn’t it be better to change the name of your business?” Yes.
So now, finally, I am doing that. The next newsletter you’ll get will be from YOUR BRAND VISION, which will be the new name of my business, starting this fall. I am very relieved and happy to have found a name that actually reflects what I really do.
A Vision is an image of a future state, which we intensely want and wish for. A Goal. The word also means the ability to see, both in a direct physical capacity and also in a mental and metaphorical capacities. It’s what can be imagined. These interpretations all fit perfectly in a description of what I want to do.
I will help you find the wanted image of your future brand, YOUR BRAND VISION, so you can actually SEE it and identify with it, immediately.
Be inspired by and grow into your future vision, right now.
Changing the name of my business is a consequence of me taking on my own process BRAND BOXES. It has been a journey from which I will surely share more details in later newsletters and blog posts, to help others that are in a similar process.
Summer is a short and very hectic affair here in the Nordic countries. It is only a few weeks of warmth and light and must be exploited to the fullest. Now my summer guests from Norway are waiting for me; they want to experience summer in Värmland. Beautiful in all weathers.
So finally I will just mention that it’s going to be a very busy fall here in YOUR BRAND VISION. My book about Brand Boxes will be published in September. I will also start a Scandinavian webinar series, which will be repeated in English in early 2018.
And of course, according to Brand Boxes, the new visual identity will be implemented on every visual touchpoint out there. It is a challenge to know where to start, if you want to work with the visual branding and graphic design for your business. Let’s have a talk on Skype or telephone to see how I can help you, starting at the point you’re at right now. I am curious about what you have to say. There is no cost for this call. Book a call by sending me an e-mail on: hanne@yourbrandvision.com