Does visual branding really have any value?
Earlier this summer, I had the opportunity to interview some of my former clients who have gone through a visual branding process with me at some stage. I was curious to know how they had experienced the process, seen from a distance of some months or years, and to see if I could learn where I could improve the process. These conversations were all so very useful to me, and I want to thank those of you who took the time to speak to me – you know who you are.
My questions centered around the experience of the impact of their new visual branding.
Here are two of them:
• Did you feel that it had an impact on your confidence?
• Did it allow you to increase sales?
While the answer to the first question was a very loud YES, the answer to the second question was much less certain. Hard to measure, in any case.
This is OK. No client comes across your website or other visual touch point and decides to work with you solely because of the pure good looks of your brand. That is – unless you are selling cars or women’s fashion.
What is more important is if this “look” is able to convey your (or your business’s) professional personality and let your potential clients have a clear impression of how it would be to work with you, particularly. Not your next competitor, who may have totally different values than you…
However, the main sales-increasing effect of authentic, consistent visual branding for purpose-driven services is not that of a salesposter or a mannequin in a store-front window. It is less direct, but not less strong. It works through you. It increases your confidence. Nothing beats the feeling of mastery and certainty that comes from being appropriately dressed. Confidence builds courage that takes action.
This was confirmed by all my former clients and described by them in different ways:
“My heels grew taller.”
“I was able to put on my big-girl pants.”
“I was no longer ashamed to ask people to visit my website.”
“I felt that it was uniquely mine.”
“I can use my logo to explain what I do!”
I call this the inward effect of visual branding. As a Norwegian, the comparison to cod liver oil comes easily to me. While the producer of cod liver oil cannot assert: drink this and you will experience love, the truth may be that because of what the oil does to your skin, hair, and overall humor & health, – you will. Which is the outward effect.
Are you ready to explore the real VALUE of visual branding for your business? Book a free discovery call with me today.