Visual Brand Assessment Header


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the weekly draw of a free brand assessment. Thank You!

1. Do you know who your ideal client/customer is?

2. Do you know what attracts them visually?

3. Can you name your business’ #1 personality trait?

4. Do you have a one-sentence elevator pitch?

5. Do you have a brand map?

6. Does your logo fit into a Facebook Profile image (or similar) without looking like a weird insect?

7. Do you have a logo icon that can stand alone?

8. Do you have vectorized file for your logo?

9. Do you know why you would want to have your logo as a png file?

10. Do you know what a ONE-BIT logo is?

11. Do you have brand colors?

12. Do you know the hexadecimal color codes for them?

13. Do you have one or more brand fonts?

14. Do you know what tracking is?

15. Have you defined an image style for your brand?

16. Can you name your business 5 most important touch-points?

17. Do they look visually consistent?

18. Do you know the #1 pitfall when making social media graphics?

19. Do you have a branded PowerPoint template?

20. Do you know what bleed is?

21. Do you know how long a visitor will stay at your website if they cannot figure out what you can help them with?

22. Do you know which are the 3 pillars of visual branding?


0-14 Points

Hmmm. Not so good.
You should take some action here.

14-28 Points

Pretty good. There are still things that you would benefit greatly from taking action on.

28-44 Points

Great! You know a good deal about
visual branding.

40-44 Points

Visual Branding Virtuoso!

Over the next few days I will be sending you some resources for your visual branding journey. Stay tuned!